But this is an age when fixed costs must be kept to a minimum. 但这是一个必须尽可能削减固定成本的时代。
Third, we will cut fixed costs by a further 20 per cent. 第三,我们将进一步削减20%的固定成本。
Fixed costs are the costs incurred for the fixed resources of the firm. 固定费用是指工厂固定资产的那部分费用。
Such a ratio would force a wholesale restructuring of pay policies at many investment banks and almost certainly increase fixed costs because salaries would be inflated. 这样的比率将迫使许多投行对薪资政策进行大规模改革,同时几乎肯定会提高固定成本,因为工资比重将会膨胀。
It shows that by adding the fixed costs to the profit ( or subtracting the loss) we can work out the contribution. 这表明将固定成本加到利润上(或从亏损中减掉)可以计算出边际贡献。
Fixed costs provide the capacity to operate at a particular actively level. 固定成本提供在某个特定的活跃的阶段运作的能力。
In the default fixed costs accrual box, click the accrual method that you want to apply to all new tasks in this project. 在“默认固定成本累算”框中,单击要应用到此项目中的所有新任务的累算方法。
Through game analysis we can conclude: The consignor should gradually increase inputs of fixed costs of supervision. 通过博弈分析得出:货主企业的最优策略是选择监督,同时应加大固定监督成本的投入;
Controllable income is the excess of contribution margin over fixed costs controlled by the profit center. 所谓可控收益就是利润中心的边际贡献扣除利润中心可控制的各项固定成本后的余额。
Fixed costs are applied to a task, and not to a resource. 固定成本应用于任务,而不应用于资源。
How will we reduce fixed costs by 20 per cent? 我们将如何把固定成本降低20%?
Total costs are the sum of rate-based costs, per-use costs, and fixed costs. 总成本是基于费率的成本、每次使用成本和固定成本的总和。
Companies that enjoy this scale of margins and keep their fixed costs within reasonable boundaries should prosper. 拥有如此之高的利润率、并将固定成本控制在合理范围的企业,应该会兴旺发达。
To justify the trip's fixed costs, you will require champagne, sparkling conversation and energetic sex. 为让旅行的固定成本物有所值,你会要求有香槟、令人动心的谈话以及精力充沛的性生活。
Without the cash flow from bookings, and full berths, cruise ship operators will struggle to defray their soaring fixed costs and maintain capital expenditure. 没有了来自旅游预订的现金流,也没有了人头济济的码头泊位,邮轮运营商将挣扎于支付其飙升的固定成本,并维持资本开支。
The best performers will be companies with high fixed costs, strong pricing power, low leverage and low policy risk, he says. 表现最好的企业将是那些固定成本高、定价能力强、负债率和政策风险低的企业。
Fixed costs of production associated with the new machine would be$ 240.00 in the first year of production, increasing by$ 20.00 per year in each subsequent year of operation. 与新机器相关的生产固定成本,第一年为240美元,运行的每一个随后年份将增加20美元。
In a nutshell, fixed costs are your problem. 简言之,固定成本才是你的问题。
Car plants have high fixed costs. 汽车厂的固定成本很高。
The chart shows that the fixed costs are represented be the difference between the total cost line and the variable cost line. 从上图可以看出,固定成本即总成本线与变动成本线之间的差距。
Committed fixed costs are caused primarily from having proper-ty, plant, eguipment, and key managerial personnel. 约束性固定成本是指由于拥有财产、工厂、设备或重要管理人员而形成的固定成本。
In this chart the fixed costs are plotted paralleled to the variable costs. Thus the fixed cost line becomes the total cost line. 在这一图中,固定成本线与变动成本线平行,固定成本线就成了总成本线。
CVP analysis assumes that costs can be accurately divided into fixed costs and variable costs. CVP分析假设成本可以准确地分为固定成本和变动成本。
The basic structural reason for this problem is that information products are characterised by high fixed costs and low marginal costs. 这一问题基本的结构性原因在于,信息产品的特点就是固定成本高,而边际成本低。
Lower trade costs, lower fixed costs to build a plant, higher productivity and lower wages of a nation or area make it upgrade the value chains to higher level. 一个国家或地区的贸易成本和工厂水平的固定成本越低、劳动生产率越高和工资水平越低时,制造业价值链升级程度就越高。
The different fixed costs and yields of migration and nonagricultural production determine their different relationships with the extent of tax and fee reduction. 农民外出务工和从事非农业生产与税费减免幅度之间的不同关系是由两者具有不同的投资门槛和投资回报率决定的。
How do you get top-notch consultants and trainers to deliver the training without the heavy fixed costs? 您如何找到一流的咨询顾问和培训专家来培训,而又没有庞大的固定成本?
The second equation tells us that the difference between contribution and fixed costs is profit or loss. 第二个等式告诉我们,边际贡献和固定成本之间的差额就是利润或亏损。
For newspapers, magazines and television programmes, with their high fixed costs, such fluctuations would be ruinous. 这样的起伏波动,对于像报纸,杂志及电视这样高成本的媒介来说,是致命的。
Tightening regulation has already driven up bankers 'base salaries, increasing the fixed costs of businesses even as they struggle with volatile markets. 加强监管已经推高了银行家的基本工资,增加了企业的固定成本,即便它们正在动荡的市场中挣扎。